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  《约书亚记》6:1 耶利哥的城门因以色列人就关得严紧,无人出入。


  《约书亚记》6:2 耶和华晓谕约书亚说:“看哪!我已经把耶利哥和耶利哥的王,并大能的勇士,都交在你手中。


  《约书亚记》6:3-5 你们的一切兵丁要围绕这城,一日围绕一次,六日都要这样行。七个祭司要拿七个羊角走在约柜前。到第七日,你们要绕城七次,祭司也要吹角。他们吹的角声拖长,你们听见角声,众百姓要大声呼喊,城墙就必塌陷,各人都要往前直上。”









  《启示录》12:11 弟兄胜过它,是因羔羊的血和自己所见证的道。他们虽至于死,也不爱惜性命。










  Prophesy for Today


  Prophesy 1



  Prophesy 2




  Prophesy 3








  Prophesy 4






  Prophesy 5






  Prophesy 6






  Prophesy 7








  Prophesy 8





  Prophesy 9











  Today is March 1st. It’s time to blow the shofar. The other day I was in Sri Lanka and we were doing a meeting for business people. There were problems with the sound system and there was also, it was just difficult. The praise team didn’t have good equipment and were not overpowering worshippers. I felt I needed to help them breakthrough so after 1 or 2 songs I got up and said let’s blow the shofar. There was only one in the room. So everyone was just blowing air shofar. I am reminded to share this because one of the sounds that happens is the breakthrough sound. Remember on the day they were at the wall of Jericho, the wall came down when they blew the shofar. So when you blow it, the lord wants the obstacles to come down. Think of Jericho, it was a great fortress and it was standing in their way if they wanted to conquer the land. The lord wants your obstacle to fall today. If they hadn’t taken care of Jericho they wouldn’t have been able to advance.

  We are going to blow the shofar again and then let’s read from Joshua 6.

  I see a friend on facebook whose book impacted me many years ago. The lord used to wake him up early in the morning and give him ideas. He built a brand new business through that. What does that have to do with Jericho?爱体育官方网站 A lot. It’s like God had a brand new way for him to build a new business. It wasn’t built because of prior skill or an old way of doing something but brand new. So just declare now, the lord has new things for me now. The lord has new things for me today.

  Joshua 6. Jericho was securely shut up…. Lord we thank you that you have a solution for today that we might be facing. Anyone who has hit a wall, that wall is coming down. The lord said to Joshua see I have given Jericho into your hand, it’s king and the mighty men of valor. So we declare that right now for your Jericho. The lord has given it into your hands. Its king, the ruler of that, the devil cannot keep you out. The mighty men of valor, all the demonic cannot keep you out. You shall march around the city…. the seventh day you shall march around 7 times and the priests shall blow the trumpets. It shall come to pass when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn…you shall make a great shout. Then the wall of the city will fall down flat. Amen. The people shall go up every man straight before him. This is an incredible strategy the lord gave Joshua. Declare, my god is the god of breakthrough. Let’s not forget the shout. There has to be the shout of faith inside of you. I am so amazed at how god is giving his people faith and because they have faith, they have the shout of faith. Do you have a shout of faith this morning? Amen. We will give a shout after a bit.

  I was reminded about 2 years ago maybe in Shanghai and I had an hour to get to the airport. The traffic was so bad and we were inching along. After ½ hour we had only gone a few kilometers. I asked the guy how far to the airport. He said it is 50 or 60 kilometers still. So even with no traffic it would have been hard to get to the airport on time. So I thought I am going to miss my flight. Thank god for the smart phone so I sent a message to CS and Nancy. So they begin blowing the shofar. I was able to get my driver to understand that someone was praying for me. But immediately the traffic started to flow. I texted keep on blowing because the road is opening up. I don’t know how it happened, but I tell you we got from this far away place right to the airport on time. So he dropped me off and I ran to check in counter and there was a very long line. It would take so long to get through the line. I talked to the customer agent but they said you have to stay in the line. I texted CS keep blowing the shofar. I don’t know but I got my boarding pass and through security all on time.

  Today is the day of blowing the shofar because god wants to cause things to move quickly that are supposed to move quickly. Walls that need to come down will come down today. Let’s blow the shofar one more time. Use the air shofar if you don’t have one.

  The lord is good. The lord is good. He is breaking through. Hallelujah. I love these stories because this is the word of our testimony. They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. I told that story to many people and now (there is) a new story about blowing the shofar. In 2016 January it happened to some of you. Many of us were going to Narita airport to fly to Korea for the gathering. I had meetings the night before and I was very close to the airport, but there was heavy snowfall in Tokyo. All the traffic was delayed because of the snow. So others got someone to blow the shofar on their behalf. One of you forgot your passport and had to go back and get your passport. It was an impossible situation and you were going to miss the flight. But someone started blowing the shofar on their behalf. This happened because they remembered my testimony about someone blowing for me about 3000 miles away. Anyway, it did work for them. It was a miracle. They made it to the airport on time. I am so happy to share this testimony. God can do the impossible. He loves to do the impossible. This hour of impossibility becomes an opportunity for the power of god to be displayed.

  We are going to start to prophecy and give WOK. I am seeing somebody, I am reminded of the fiery furnace where 3 men were thrown in. The lord protected them. Someone is in the furnace but don’t worry because god is turning on the AC. I am reading comments on facebook listeners. Amen. May it be so. Indeed it is so. If you need breakthrough today, yes you get breakthrough. One way or another the walls are coming down. There is a great cloud of witnesses with you right now, but there is a corporate anointing. There are people from all over Asia, China, Russian, NZ, Canada. It doesn’t matter where you are, the lord is there for you. We are going to blow the shofar again and them prophecy. Lord we are thankful walls are coming down today. Now is the time. Blow.

  That shout of victory in your heart. Let’s do the shout! Hallelujah. There has got to be that victory inside of you. Amen.

  I already gave that first WOK.

  Prophesy for Today


  Prophesy 1


  I declare that someone who is in an impossible situation today, it will become possible. Someone facing an operation, medical. The odds of this being successful are so low but there will be a miracle and it will be a success. So the lord says, blow the shofar for people in that situation. Continue to blow the shofar so they can turn from despair and turn to victory. I am pouring a great light on the family and others surrounding that person so they can be in faith. Declare resurrection power. I will surely without fail do this. I am with you, says the lord. Amen.

  We blow the shofar which is a sign. It’s not the magic of the sound, but we are rising in faith.

  Prophesy 2


  I see someone trying to climb a cliff. If the cliff begins to crumble then you would fall with it so you don’t want it to crumble. The lord says that cliff is one that really need to crumble and fall. You shouldn’t be trying to climb over it, but you can step over it. So the lord says, allow me to cause the cliff to fall so you can easily go over it. So blow the shofar. There will be a change in the spiritual atmosphere and watch and see that impossible cliff come crumbling down.

  Prophesy 3


  I see a thread that is very tangled up. I think this is personal relationships. The lord says I will untangle it and make it one thread. I will straighten things up. The lord says, you need to see the situation in a more objective way. Don’t try to do it by yourself, but yield to me, trust me. I will make the very complicated situation simple. You can observe and watch.

  The Lord is good.

  Prophesy 4


  The lord says it is time to break fear. I am sending you my word concerning breaking of the fear. Those words are going to reveal the roots of the fear you carry all the time. That word will give you revelation for breakthrough. When you realize there is no fear, suddenly all the burden will disappear. At the same time you will bind the things you are concerned will not happen. You will seal by the name of Jesus so that you will not be ruled by this fear again. I want you to know that you are victorious and you are not ruled by fear.

  Amen. Are you getting breakthrough today? Amen. It is interesting we are doing this because the lord asked us to do this and we believe it blesses many people. But actually we are doing this for ourselves as well. Each one of these words, it is like thank you, it’s for me. Let these words go deep in our spirit. Amen.

  Prophesy 5


  SS was talking about the 3 men in the firey furnace. I have been thinking about that situation. People who are in a difficult situation and cannot get out, feel oppressed. It’s hot, it’s hard. It is time to be still and know that I am with you. My beloved children, I am standing right beside you. Let’s join our hands and declare together that this is the place of victory. My hands are hands of victory. Do not let your heart be troubled, and within you will begin to rise up a fire of joy. The fire of joy will be so strong that the fire around you will be as nothing.

  Yes indeed the lord is pouring fire upon his people. There is a baptism of fire for the whole body of Christ. Lord yes more and more fire of the HS upon us.

  Prophesy 6


  WOK Someone has to pay a bill whose deadline is today or tomorrow. Blow the shofar and be in faith and you will be able to make the deadline. Amen.

  If that’s for you get up and run around or something. Thank you, lord. Everything on time. Amen.

  Prophesy 7


  This is not about money but there is promise of some delivery that needs to be made today or tomorrow. You have to fulfill a promise. The lord says you will be enabled to do that.

  Blow the shofar. Either you will be able to make the promise or the deadline date will change. The deadline will not be an issue.


  Lord we say thank you for causing us to remember your power and we raise our hands. I love watching on facebook that people are blowing the shofar all over the place. Lord let the earth be filled with the sound of your victory. Let’s blow the shofar together again and see you tomorrow. It’s the sound of victory.




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